Call Toll Free Canada / USA : 1 866-BALEINE
France : 08 05 32 10 54
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Croisiere Escoumins Special Rates and packages | STUDENTS SPECIAL ONLY $55 | SEA AND SKY $199 | SEA AND QUAD $225
SEA & SKY $199
SEA & QUAD $225

Bienvenue chez Croisière Escoumins! Baleine Garantie ou Argent Remis!

Written on August 13th 2022

Superb whale watching experience.

Thanks to the tenacity of Justine we were able to see a lot, inclusive one whale four times. Excellent comments from Justine and a safe trip with Pierre at the helm. Highly recommended. Famille Delvaux.

Written on October 31st 2021

Amazing whale watching experience!

What an amazing experience!!! While we were very lucky to see many, many whales, we realize that seeing so many is dependent on the whales themselves. That said, this Captain (Robin) was extremely knowledgeable, friendly and very respectful of the whales. The accompanying biologist was equally engaging and knowledgeable. The boat was comfortable, clean and they provided us with protective jackets that were in very good condition and very clean. The location is fabulous. It is a little further from Tadoussac but the experience is less “touristy”, also less expensive and high quality. I would go back to this establishment in a second and highly recommend it. I have been whale watching 4 times in the pas and this is by far the best experience all around I have had.

Karine G
Written on September 30th 2021

So Many Whales!

We had a great excursion on the large rigid hull zodiac with Pierre this past week! It’s open to the elements, and as others have mentioned, I’d recommend bringing your warm layers (e.g. wool toque, gloves, scarf, and warm sweater). The outerwear they provided was in excellent shape and very clean; it blocked the wind very well. You’ll overheat at the launch, but you’ll be grateful for your warm layers once you’re speeding out to the whales. I’d also recommend bringing a little daypack with some water, light snacks, and your hat, gloves, etc. We saw so many whales! Many groups of humpbacks, several fin whales and minkes, as well as porpoises, seals, and a beluga. It was very exciting and worth the drive to Escoumins from La Malbaie, where we were staying. Pierre was perfectly bilingual and shared his passion for the whales. No nature interpretation was offered, but a fabulous enthusiasm for these amazing mammals. Highly recommend this company and spending time on the water!

Drue K
Written on August 31st 2021

Simply amazing!

Fabulous day whale watching with Thai company. We had looked at several options both in Tadoussac and Les Escamins and had decided on this one after great reviews, safety issues (we had one nervous teen and this zodiac style seemed very solid) and their commitment to whale conservation. It was simply amazing is how I can best describe it. Our captain and whale naturalist where both excellent and knowledgeable. They translated for my family who spoke primarily English. It was a foggy day and I was afraid we wouldn’t see whales, but after about 30 minutes to driving down the coast we were fortunate to see a Minke whale, a fin whale and 7-10 humpback whales. A few seals were also playful by the boat. It was an awe inspiring event ans we felt very safe in the boats. They gave us jackets to keep us warm (it is cold out on the water) and everyone had to wear their masks the whole time. It is not something we will soon forget! I highly recommend

Written on August 31st 2020

English speaking tour guide. Highly recommend!

We sailed at 1300 with this company and had an amazing time. In total,we saw 2 minke whales, 4 fin whales and (at least) 7 humpback whales. The humpbacks swam within 20 feet of our boat. Most of the tour was presented in French, but our naturalist was bilingual and made sure to explain in English, as well. She sat with my children on the boat ride home and answered all of their questions. We could not have asked for a better experience

Jennifer S

Choose Croisiere Escoumins

Saut de baleine à bosse Croisière Escoumins

Croisieres Escoumins is proud to offer the only true “Whale Watching Guarantee” among the various whale watching cruise companies on the St. Lawrence River. Upon the confirmation by your captain, if no whale was seen during your tour, your fare will be refunded !

Croisieres Escumins may cancel this guarantee prior to departure if conditions are not favourable, and the customer will be advised to make their own decision about canceling their cruise before departure if they wish, for a full refund.


Transportation and administration fee of 30% of your booking will be charged only.
No other whale watching company will do this, and it is only possible because our private dock is located in the best possible position to see the whales in the whole Saguenay – St. Lawrence Marine Park.

Schedule and Rates

Croisiere Escoumins has a partnership with one of the most important cruise ships builder in Canada.

Our cruise ships are at the forefront of the industry at all times. We strongly look forwards to develop the Saguenay – St. Lawrence Marine Park in a sustainable way.

It is a priority for us that our whale watching tours are offered in safe zodiac ships to protect the whales as well as our passengers.

– We whale watch a more responsible way!

– Our boats are UNSINKABLE, very steady and safe for children!

– Our boats are specialy designed to be safe for whales!

Our Ships
Croisière du capitaine - voir des baleines et bélugas au Canada

Croisiere Escoumins combines passion and experience to bring you out on a discovery trip of the Saguenay – St. Lawrence Marine Park and its tremendous inhabitants.

The Captain and his crew can’t wait to teach you about whales, seals, and sea birds that live by Quebec’s North Shore.

– A well-experienced team

– Biologists and sea mammals specialists

– Passionate sea birders

– Captains that have sailed the St. Lawrence for years!



Minky whales often swim in our Bay to feed. Think about having lunch here before boarding, you might get lucky!




– Safe onsite parking

– Whale watching from the land

Find us


Got some free time ahead?
Bring your lunchbox and benefit from our private rest area!
You must check-in 30 minutes prior to departure.
Wear trousers, shoes, and a warm sweather.
Please, take note that weather on the St.Lawrence River
will be 10°C/18°F cooler than on the shore.
We provide you warm clothes...
and you dream's whale watching cruise!
Trip length of at least 2 hours.
CA / USA 1-866-225-3463
FRANCE 08 05 32 10 54


Vous avez la journée?
Apportez votre pique-nique et profitez de notre aire de détente!
Présentez-vous à la billetterie 30 minutes avant le départ.
Portez un pantalon, des souliers fermés et
un chandail chaud (pull-over).
Notez qu'au large, la température est en moyenne 10°C plus basse
que sur la terre ferme.
Nous fournissons les vêtements chauds...
et la croisière baleine de vos rêves!
Durée minimale de 2 heures.
FRANCE 08 05 32 10 54