Call Toll Free Canada / USA : 1 866-BALEINE
France : 08 05 32 10 54
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Croisiere Escoumins Special Rates and packages | STUDENTS SPECIAL ONLY $55 | SEA AND SKY $199 | SEA AND QUAD $225
SEA & SKY $199
SEA & QUAD $225

Our Place | Croisière Escoumins



Croisiere Escoumins is proud to announce the opening of its on-site Restaurant.

Before or after your departure, have lunch or coffee at our restaurant, and just enjoy the view!

Our Menu.
Our Coffees.

Whale Watching
right from the Shore

The Croisiere Escoumins Welcome Centre and our secure parking area are both located within a short walking distance from our boarding dock. There is no need for a shuttle bus to get access to our boats.

Often our visitors are treated to a whale sighting right from the shore, even before they board.

Our site is completely private and dedicated to whale watching. We provide a free picnic area overlooking the St. Lawrence River. We share all aspects of our lives with the whales, seals and other inhabitants of the Saguenay – St. Lawrence Marine Park.

Our private facility is quite unique in that it is on relatively undeveloped land. There is no urban buildup around Anemone Bay with the exception of our own eco-friendly structures.

Guest-Friendly Facilities

Our “private spot” provides an exceptionally breathtaking view of the St. Lawrence River while you are approaching our own boarding facility. There is no shuttle required and no overcrowding either before or after your whale watching adventure at Croisiere Escoumins.

If you wish, you can have a lunch at our picnic area before boarding our eco-friendly and whale-safe vessels.

If you have an RV, you can park it overnight, and even take advantage of dawn or dusk whale sightings right from shore.

When you board our vessels, you will be outfitted with protective safety attire to insure your whale watching adventure is a comfortable experience. Our outfitting facility has indoor restrooms. You might even spot a whale while donning your safety gear, they are that close !

Our Private RV Park

If you are planning an RV trip, we offer you the opportunity to utilize our private and unique RV site, where the whales are your neighbours.

– These facilities are provided to our guests who are booked for a whale watching adventure.
– You may choose to park on a site either with or without water and electrical facilities.
– There is a maximum stay-over of two nights.
– Enquire about availability when you book your cruise.
– A service fee may apply.


Got some free time ahead?
Bring your lunchbox and benefit from our private rest area!
You must check-in 30 minutes prior to departure.
Wear trousers, shoes, and a warm sweather.
Please, take note that weather on the St.Lawrence River
will be 10°C/18°F cooler than on the shore.
We provide you warm clothes...
and you dream's whale watching cruise!
Trip length of at least 2 hours.
CA / USA 1-866-225-3463
FRANCE 08 05 32 10 54


Vous avez la journée?
Apportez votre pique-nique et profitez de notre aire de détente!
Présentez-vous à la billetterie 30 minutes avant le départ.
Portez un pantalon, des souliers fermés et
un chandail chaud (pull-over).
Notez qu'au large, la température est en moyenne 10°C plus basse
que sur la terre ferme.
Nous fournissons les vêtements chauds...
et la croisière baleine de vos rêves!
Durée minimale de 2 heures.
FRANCE 08 05 32 10 54